Which fleet?

Which Fleet Should I Enter?

This document is intended to provide guidance to competitors and parents/guardians and does not form part of the Notice of Race or Sailing Instructions.

In the Optimist and Open Skiff Classes, the sailors are often divided into fleets based on a sailor’s skill level.

Fleet Level Course* Target time for 1st boat to finish* Approx wind limit Applicable Racing Rules
Green Learning to race Triangle 15 minutes 15 Knots World Sailing Introductory
Intermediate/Silver Intermediate Trapezoid 30-35 Minutes 20 Knots RRS
Open/Gold Advanced Trapezoid 35-45 Minutes 25 Knots RRS

*Courses and target times may vary

At Australian Sailing Youth Sail events, expect two to three races per day, and usually no more than four races are sailed per day in all fleets.

Green Fleet

This fleet is for sailors who are not yet experienced in regattas, and not yet ready for Intermediate or Silver Fleet.

Green Fleet provides a fun introduction to regattas and provides opportunity to develop independence and confidence through introductory racing.

Sailors should have completed Tackers 2 and been taking part in some green fleet training and possibly introductory racing at club level.

Green Fleet uses the World Sailing Introductory Rules of Sailing and offers limited on-water coaching to assist sailors to progress boat handling skills and will combine racing with other fun activities.


The Intermediate fleet is intended to provide a complete race experience for developing sailors without the physical demands of Open fleet.

The Intermediate fleet race under the full Racing Rules of Sailing.

The target maximum wind threshold is approximately 20 knots.

Who should think about entering Intermediate Fleet?

Sailors who have sailed in Green Fleet at other regattas and are confidently completing all races in all conditions.


This fleet is for experienced and confident sailors with advanced skills who are regularly racing at club, state, and possibly national level.

The target maximum wind threshold is approximately 25 knots.

By entering the Open fleet, a sailor is accepting a challenge to test their self in the conditions, which may be variable and physically demanding.

When should I move up a fleet?

If you have sailed in a fleet at state or national level, completed almost all races within the time limit, and finished in the top 25% of the fleet it is time to move up to the next level. Your club or class coach is a good person to advise you on this. 

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