
Asymmetric Weekend

Published Wed 03 Apr 2019

Its on again!  After a fantastic weekend in 2018 where Flying Ants raced 49ers, 16’s, 13’s and 29er’s around the Inner West Harbour, we are lining up again bigger and better in 2019. Will the Cherubs turn up? Will a Nacra15 or two pop along? Will we see a Musto Skiff (has anyone ever seen a Musto Skiff)? Will some RS dinghies come along, or an MG?

This weekend is all about dusting off your fast off the beach asymmetric rigged weapon of choice, and heading out in the late Winter weather to kick off your 2019/20 campaign!!! And there is a strong rumour the Queensland and Victorian Assy sailors might be coming too.

Is it serious? Sort of - we’d love everyone to enjoy the coaching day and learn from some terrific coaches, but we’d also just love seeing fast boats out in the Bay blasting around with folks having an awesome time. And who knows, the people you meet might just be your next crew or skipper some time down the track.

What this is not  - a grimly serious, overly briefed yawnfest. Lets get out and sail! We will be having a BBQ after sailing on both days, so please come along and enjoy the fun.

Training and Racing 24/25 August 2019 - Supported by and

See notice of race for further details and to enter go to

Photo credit: Michael Chittenden


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